Just when you think there is enough discord in the world, you hear that Hooters is opening a franchise in Israel.
Of course, the Israeli franchise-holder for the American restaurant chain, which features top-heavy waitresses in skimpy uniforms, said yesterday he will open his first Hooters restaurant in the cosmopolitan city of Tel Aviv, away from any highly religious sectors.
I bet his plan to open five more Hooters around the country will go over like gefilte fish at a southern barbecue.
And, this raises a few questions.
Will waitresses wear wigs with their tiny tank tops and orange short shorts? Will they schlep around serving kosher foods or will they keep abreast of the normal spicy chicken wings menu? And what's going to happen at sundown on Fridays?
I have to agree with blogger Proofreader ...
Holy Land Hooters has an odd ring to it.
(Obviously, these are Hooters pictures, not mine).
Labels: gefilte fish, Holy Land, Hooters in Israel
I guess the Muslim ex-Target cashiers could work the "orthodox register"...talk about Mideast accord...
It's a shame to say ... but I think they will do good. They already have restaurants that serve a multitude of different cultural cuisines and stay open to 4am even on Fridays nights....and when have you ever seen a man turn away from cleavage?
does the Hooters in Israel have a Jews Bar?
If they do, I bet they sell He-brews.
What I'd like to do is run wild thru the place waving a dozen Hebrew Nationals!
The news reported that the food will NOT be kosher.
This blog is a hoot.
Holy hot wings!
>>Will they schlep around serving kosher foods or will they keep abreast of the normal spicy chicken wings menu?
Heh heh heh heh. She said 'abreast.' ;)
Great work.
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