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Say, what?


Monday, March 12, 2007


It's such a joy.

Returning from a vacation reminds me of Sunday nights when I was in school.

There's always a dread that looms over your head as the sun sets and you know there's work that's been neglected while you were enjoying yourself.

So here I am in e-mail hell, trying to catch up on the 265 that grace my inbox.

And speaking of e-mails, why are there so many people out there who think I need Viagra?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably because you visit so many porno websites and they leave you cookies.

Mon Mar 12, 03:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Viagra Falls....Isn'that near Canada?
Authorities recently caught a man aboard a plane coming into Newark with 5,200 smuggled Viagra tablets.
They became suspicious when he was found sitting in both coach and first class at the same time.

Mon Mar 12, 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

or male enhancement, no pun intended, but they often go "hand-in-hand"..welcome back...

Mon Mar 12, 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These spams are sent out to any email addy they can get their hands on. They don't know the sex of the receiver or the age ... but something needs to be done about them. It's not only viagra, I am inundated with stock quotes... and they are so clever as to send them as a picture so you can't block certain text. I must have won close to a billion dollars with all the raffles I didn't enter and what about the ones that claim to be in trouble in their country and want to transfer all their money into your account and you'll get a big share for helping them...and then there are those posing to be your bank or Paypal or Ebay etc. and needing your personal info ...the list goes on ...
Why do people always have to ruin a good thing?

Mon Mar 19, 06:45:00 PM  

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