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Say, what?


Friday, February 16, 2007


Used to be that greeting cards did not cost more than the gift they accompanied.

Now, because of soaring prices, they often ARE the gift.

Card prices floored me this Valentine's Day as I was trying to choose a couple for my man from me and the perma-pups.

Some cards that sang tunes such as "How deep is your love?" when you opened them went for a whopping $15.

All I could think of was "How deep are your pockets?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say "dollar store" or for $13/yr. subscribe to to email a variety of ecards throughout the year..unlimited cards to unlimited email addresses.

Fri Feb 16, 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I took my wife to dinner at Nicholas in Middletown this weekend. I did so in large part because a friend of mine raves about the place, particularly their wine list.

I'm not much of a drinker so I really didn't know what to expect when I finally did get to see this wine list that I had heard so much about. Suffice it to say, I was a little floored when I saw just how easy it was spend $1,000 on a single bottle of wine. When I saw that one bottle of wine was selling for $3,600, I was tempted to ask the waiter if the bottle just happened to have been left over from The Last Supper.

In all fairness to the people at Nicholas -- and their restaurant is fantastic -- most of the wines they offer sell for less than $100 a bottle. In case you are curious, what follows is a link to their wine list:

Nicholas Wine List

Fri Feb 16, 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in the store 45 minutes reading cards to find the right one
for that special someone. It seemed that every time I found the perfect one, the price was not perfect.
I could not believe that the prices were so outrageous. When I turned them over, some were $5.99, 8.99 and the extra large cards were 15.99. You are right, the card is the gift!

Fri Feb 16, 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some people pay $8 for a pack of cigarettes, isn't your sweetie worth a card of same value that she can keep forever? If you do smoke ,however, no guarantee that same sweetie won't succumb to your second-hand smoke!

Fri Feb 16, 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My solution to the greeting card outrage has been to buy cards for 50-cents at the local dollar store, and then add my own words to the greeting message. Personalized messages are usually more appreciated than those written by some Hallmark flack.

I have witnessed real poverty in Cairo,Egypt, in Mexico, and even here in Monmouth county -- that makes me sick when I hear the prices at places like Nicholas.
Although I've heard friends rave about the place, the thought always runs through my mind as to how much good one could do by putting that same single-meal money to some useful humanitarian purpose.

Sat Feb 17, 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Menuval, for reminding all of us what is really important. I, for one, needed to read what you wrote, particularly now as those of us that are Catholics are about to begin Lent. Again, please accept my sincere thanks.

"If we forget the poor, we go to Hell." -- His Grace, The Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M., Cap., Archbishop of Denver

Sat Feb 17, 04:20:00 PM  

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