There are ice diamonds everywhere!
It's a shimmering scene out there.
Of course, there also are many downed trees, power outages, icy roads, freezing temperatures and unhappy people who have to get to and from work in the mess.
It might be a good idea just to focus on the beauty of this crystallized world on a sunny day while it lasts.
If you're in a warmer climate and can't see this firsthand, here are a few pictures because soon it will be gone.
Hi, have a n------ice day.
ice, like your new camera is working its magic..
Ice is nice.....Rather have it in my martini however.
Great pictures Diana.
You should do a nature book.
ice shots are rare and hard to shoot... if you can capture anything close to what you did... good job!
Chiller, thats cold...single digits you can feel to the bone. A virtual winter wonderland....Brrrrr!!
Staring out my window while trying to work, admiring the beauty of the icy trees is what's getting me through my days this week. They are so pretty and if you look really close you can see different colors in the glistening trees.
Your pic's were pretty, but there's nothing like seeing the real thing. Little Silver is adorned with these beauties everywhere.
Thanks Diana, I enjoy your articles and daily blogs....
I know what you mean, anonymous. Unfortunately, when pictures are compressed for this blogger site, they lose some of their beauty. It was definitely a winter wonderland out there yesterday.
Thanks for posting the beautiful photos of the ice! I always enjoy looking at your blog. I still remember such lovely sights, but can't say I miss the cold gray winter. We love being in Florida for the winters. Thanks again and keep those blogs coming!
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