I called him my car wash fairy.
I used to know a guy who would secretly wash my car and fill it with gas while I was at work.
Today, with the price of gas, I'd call him a sugar daddy.
Nonetheless, my car wash fairy has long since flown the coop and left me with
bird droppings ... on the hood, door, trunk and side doors.
Once upon another time, my man actually pulled the tires off my car and polished the rims AND shined the rubber.
Now, my dirt-laden vehicle sits ever-so lonely amongst his clean, shiny trucks.
Have able-bodied, liberated women driven car wash fairies out of existence?
Do they only visit those women they want to impress?
My new car wash fairy is called rain.
I used to know a guy who would secretly wash my car and fill it with gas while I was at work.
Today, with the price of gas, I'd call him a sugar daddy.
Nonetheless, my car wash fairy has long since flown the coop and left me with
bird droppings ... on the hood, door, trunk and side doors.
Once upon another time, my man actually pulled the tires off my car and polished the rims AND shined the rubber.
Now, my dirt-laden vehicle sits ever-so lonely amongst his clean, shiny trucks.
Have able-bodied, liberated women driven car wash fairies out of existence?
Do they only visit those women they want to impress?
My new car wash fairy is called rain.
Who was this guy who secetly washed your car etc.?Was it Spud?
Spud has paid for many tankfuls of gas, but he leaves the washing of my car to me. Which is why it rarely gets done! Guess I'll have to pull out those special clothes.
Car wash fairies??? You mean the fairies are male? You mean to say that all these years I’ve been missing something? Well…dang me!! I was wondering why I couldn’t see out my window! If they are male, then it will be a long wait in the fancy clothes to get anything done. hehehe
Guess you will need to find a new man...named Suds...sorry, Spud, unless you drop the "p"...lather up!
The "car wash fairy" is in the same locale as the "flower fairy" and other flighty things that tend to go away to some extent with time!
At last check the Squeaky Clean has the immigrant wash team back at their disposal. I've purchased a coupon book of ten washes for you to use at your leisure. Hop to it at the car wash Lady!!
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