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Say, what?


Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I feel guilty.

Why do I feel compelled to save birthday, anniversary and Christmas cards I receive? Am I so much like my mother (who had drawers and drawers of saved cards) that the inclination is deep-set in an inherited gene somewhere?

I can see saving hand-made cards or those from an extra special person in your life. Especially if they surprise you with one that has a meaningful verse that shows they gave it some thought before just whisking any one off the rack.

I hurriedly grabbed a beautiful red-heart card one Christmas Eve for my man and found out later it said Happy Birthday, my love, inside instead of Merry Christmas.

I'm sure he didn't save that one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please delete the previous poster..he is using your site for free ads..he's done it a couple times and is a bore!

Tue Sep 26, 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you could save them for a few years and then give them back to the person who gave them to you as a present. They would be very pleased that you saved them for so long and then they would throw them in the trash. Or you could give them to x-hubby to put in storage.

Wed Sep 27, 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donate your cards to an assisted living places , nursing homes etc. They will use them for projectsWhen I taught primary grades, we used the pictures and made our own cards.

Wed Sep 27, 09:44:00 AM  
Blogger Diana said...

Donating them is the best idea yet!

Wed Sep 27, 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For years I used to send them into St. Jude's Ranch for Children - but they stopped it because they literally were overwhelmed by the amount of card fronts donated.

Fri Sep 29, 03:57:00 PM  

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