Hopefully, you survived another Fourth of July without a ground spinner going up your pants or a sparkler setting your house on fire.
Traveling home last night along the shoreline around 8:30 p.m., I was amazed at how many unofficial firework displays were being set off from backyards of neighborhoods like yours and mine.
Here in New Jersey it is illegal to possess or set off fireworks if you are not a professional handler. Obviously, very few people care about the law.
Having had a smoke bomb go down the back of my shirt one Fourth of July, I can speak from experience how dangerous fireworks are. I was lucky to escape with only minor burns.
To this day, active fireworks anywhere within a 100 feet make me nervous.
There's a reason for the law.
How can we have laws that people take seriously when we have no government-the governor closed it up
it was unlawful to smoke the weed you did in your past, too, right?
that kid in the child's safety seat sure is funny looking.
One time I had a doobie fall down my pants while being passed around. Luckly, it only burnt a hole in my underpants. But it put me on the path to sobriety.
WOW MAN! It didn't burn your brain, did it?
Too Funny!!!! I love these blogs!
hey straight edge, were YOU being passed around , or the doobie?
Hey, you figured out the other reason for my sobriety. It's no fun to have a doobie fall down your pants but it's even worse to be passed around while too high to care about one's morals. Watch out pothead, that stuff does burn your brain too (the big one and the little one, i.e. low sperm count).
WOW MAN! what'd he say?
Sorry DUDE....your melon is getting tweeked and you are on your way to shooting blanks. But the good news is that you probably won't care. WOW MAN, might as well pack up the bong and listen to some Phish, RIGHT ON!!
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