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Say, what?


Thursday, July 13, 2006


Every morning I'm in a quandary.

I stand in front of the closet in my underwear trying to figure out what to wear and asking myself, "Will this blouse keep me warm enough in the deep-freeze air conditioning at work or should I layer it with a jacket?"

"Will I be cool enough coming and going in the 85 degree weather outside? Should I put my hair up or leave it down?"

After making a final decision, there's always the issue of whether or not to iron the blouse under the layered look. Which is why the permanent press jacket is a fashion must for lazy dressers like me ... (OK, so I sweat a little bit outside because I won't take it off to reveal the wrinkly top underneath).

My man, on the other hand, gets up, throws on whatever from his closet and away he goes, always looking quite spiffy.

Why is it that men never seem to have these clothing issues?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do-they just don't let you know-you are so busy deciding that you don't notice them pulling and pushing their stuff around-plus they have clear heads and not much to worry about-Well, almost clear-don't want to ruin my chances of a great gift!!!!

Thu Jul 13, 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

because women in their lives usually the ones pick out their clothes, buy the stuff, wash it, iron it, and even take/p/up dry cleaners and even match their belts, socks, etc..what's left for them to do? take it off hanger and put it on! and the hanger is usually bought and put away by women,too..we have spoiled them and there is no time for us!

Thu Jul 13, 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, it takes a lot of work to pair a wrinkled T-shirt with a pair of baggy jeans. After I shave every other day, throw some gel in my hair and brush my teeth, I have wasted about 15-20 minutes that I could have used to watch Sports Center. A man's life isn't as easy as it seems.

Thu Jul 13, 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot about the scratching and grunting!

Thu Jul 13, 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's your photo? getting a new glam shot taken?

Thu Jul 13, 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is shorts and a tee shirt these days.The damn heat is oppressive and not condusive to dressing well.I'd sure like an Asbury Park Press tee shirt Diana!(extra large please) Hint Hint!
Are plaids still acceptable with stripes?
We guys need those Garanimals that little tykes had back in the 70's .Remember Garanimals? Just match the two tags and voila,you are dressed.Two giraffes,or two monkeys and you were good to go.
A little soap and water,I still clean up well for my age.The fiancee is delighted with my appearance.However,even she will not see my fancy Ralph Lauren sports jacket until this the fall at the earliest when the heat abates.

Thu Jul 13, 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, they just dont care.....

Thu Jul 20, 08:34:00 AM  

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