Father's Day is approaching fast.
I'm at odds and don't know what to get my man Spud.
Not that I have to get him anything, he's not my father, after all.
No matter, I usually try to get him something every year from our three Chihauhua perma pups who love him dearly.
I was thinking maybe a BB gun for some squirrelly target practice, but I'm afraid he'll shoot his eye out.
when you run out of squirrels, he can practice on those ugly,yappy pups!
A BB gun?! What ever happened to the small AK-47 you were thinking of a few blog posts back?
BB gun for Spud... AK-47 for me to target practice on anonymous bloggers who say my sweet, adorable pups are ugly! Yappy yes, ugly NO!
STOP-All of you-get happy-you must all have something nice to say-like
Happy Father's Day-whether you are people, pet or plant (well maybe not a plant!!!)
Having trouble today with sending a comment-maybe because there is too much negative energy in the latest blogs
Peace, Love and Happy Fathers Day. Are you hippies happy with vibe now?
Good comments from Jacob and Sophia! Let's try to make this a great blog site where each of us can have a bit of fun! Rude comments always seem to come from anonymous senders. A fitting allegory might be: "Never wrestle with pigs. The pig loves it and you just get dirty". I suggest that ignoring such rude comments might apply.
A bit of information for those new to blogs or chat rooms; there is a type of person that frequents chat rooms and blogs known as a "troll". These people thrive on aggravating others in order to cause chaos in the chat room or blog. They love it when someone takes the "bait" and they can "trap" them with anger and hurtful comments for no reason, and continue doing it until the entire room is frustrated.
What adorable pups, but spud with a gun?? Not sure about that
better than her angry ex with a gun!
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