I love the Internet.
I could tool around on it all day and never be bored because I never know what I'll come across.
Take for example, the NASA scientist who studied a water bubble in zero gravity (I actually watched the entire segment).
And, there's plenty of funny stuff such as this must-see, Charles has a licking problem. Make sure your computer's sound is on.
In any case, Barbara Bochnick sent me an e-mail about her son, Bill, who buddy-listed his last name on the Internet just to see who came up. He found a shirttail cousin, Rob, three or four (?) times removed, who lives in Ireland. Their great-great grandfathers were brothers from Poland.
Turns out the two cousins have tons of things in common and even look alike, as you can see.
So now I'm off to search the Internet for that long lost dead relative who left me tons of money!
P.S. Feel free to e-mail me at dianaf@app.com with interesting finds such as this.
I could tool around on it all day and never be bored because I never know what I'll come across.
Take for example, the NASA scientist who studied a water bubble in zero gravity (I actually watched the entire segment).
And, there's plenty of funny stuff such as this must-see, Charles has a licking problem. Make sure your computer's sound is on.
In any case, Barbara Bochnick sent me an e-mail about her son, Bill, who buddy-listed his last name on the Internet just to see who came up. He found a shirttail cousin, Rob, three or four (?) times removed, who lives in Ireland. Their great-great grandfathers were brothers from Poland.
Turns out the two cousins have tons of things in common and even look alike, as you can see.
So now I'm off to search the Internet for that long lost dead relative who left me tons of money!
P.S. Feel free to e-mail me at dianaf@app.com with interesting finds such as this.
Labels: Charles has a licking problem, cousins, Internet, Ireland, NASA, Poland, zero gravity
I just became acquainted with a second cousin of my dad's.
Vladimir came here in 1950 from his native Ukraine.
Our last names spelled almost alike,(he had more consonants)were like the way my grandparents spelled it back in the 40's.Diana knows but will not divulge my last name.I need to meet Vanna White and buy some vowels.
Anyway,I got to know Vladimir over the past few weeks as he was a resident of a skilled nursing facility I work at.Turns out his son Bo graduated high school with my brother. I probably met these nice people back when I was 12 years old or so.Lost track long ago.
He was discharged this morning.
I've promised to stop by and see him at his home.
Odd,how life brings us all around again,isn't it?
Be careful who you find-you may owe them money!!!!!
be careful who you date..you may be related...
Thank you once again for expanding my vocabulary: I'd never heard of a "shirttail cousin" before.
I do have several cousins who are slobs -- always walk around with their shirttails hanging out -- but I've never seen this usage before.
I think it my grandmother was the only one who I ever heard use the phrase. It just means someone way down on the family tree.
Ok, here is Web site for explanation of shirttail relative. Click here
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