OK, I've had it with old Christmas tree lights.
I spent way too many hours putting in a bulb, taking out a bulb, searching for that blown one that keeps all the others from lighting.
Even the strands of lights I bought last year are defective.
I finally got so fed up, I threw them all away. Which I plan to do every year from now on except for the $75 of purple lights I ordered online that are hard to find in department stores.
Now that I think about it, we have it pretty easy compared to the big-bulb stands that were popular for Christmas trees in the '50s and '60s. My mother burned many a fingertip changing out one color so it wouldn't be next to the same color.
By the way, purple lights are very dark, and white lights had to be added to lightened up the tree just to see the ornaments.
It took me five hours to put those babies on. Oh well, the tree looks beautiful during the day!
You should try pink lights-like flamingo pink!
No Xmas lights at all!Save electricity.
that's what men (spud's) for..let them get aggravated!
buy the prelit tree
Anyone remember bubble lights?
They are now quite pricey and all the rage I hear.
Those big bulbs are back in style now with the name of Retro design. A wreath on the door is all I am doing this year. Last year was an "all-out" Christmas for family. Sis even sent down matching china sets and stemware for the big family event before she came down to Florida! The only thing that ended up missing was our mother, who was very ill at the time. We remember her this year with much love from all of us.
Purple lights?
what are you, Prince?
royalty, baby!
more like purple haze..
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