We're so spoiled.
My grandmother used to wash her clothes on a washboard until her knuckles bled.
Then she got a washing machine that was just a tub with a roller. I remember watching her stir the clothes with a square wooden stake in hot steaming water before feeding them into the roller that squeezed them flatter than wee wee on a plate (as Ol' Daddy would say).
Forget about having a clothes dryer. Neither grandmother (or my mother) had one of those ... ever. And their dishwashers were named Sarah and Diana who washed the dishes by hand.
My dishwasher just broke. We bought a new one, but can't get it installed for another two weeks.
Guess who's been named dishwasher once again.
We're so spoiled.
what about "suds", I mean Spud? Hopefully you are not having Thanksgiving at your place..or paper plates!
A perfect excuse to dine out every night.
get that man to do some work!
Spud has taken to doing the grocery shopping, which is fine with me! I'll do the dishes if he fights his way through the store to bring home the bacon.
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