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GannettUSA Today

Say, what?


Friday, June 15, 2007


Misty Correy of Fullerton, Calif., lost her Siberian husky, Jewel, seven years ago.

After the dog was gone three months, the family figured Jewel was not going to return and they got a yellow Labrador retriever they named Jade. Last month, the Correys got a call from Humane Society officials in Yuma who said the microchip in Jewel allowed them to trace the dog back to the family.

They were ecstatic, and Correy's daughter, Breezy, and her older brother (whose name was probably Smog) drove 14 hours to get Jewel. When they got home the dog acted like she had never left.

There was only one problem ... Jade wasn't going to let Jewel shine in his goldmine, and they have been fighting since they met.

Moral of the story? Corny names can be a family Jewel.

OK, here's your weekend laugh:
Ten men and one woman were hanging on a rope under a helicopter and the rope wasn't strong enough to carry them all. So they decided one had to leave, otherwise they all were going to fall.

The men were unable to decide who should let go, so the woman, in a touching speech, said she would volunteer to let go because she was used to giving up everything for her husband, kids and men in general, and also was used to always making sacrifices with little in return.

As soon as she finished her impassioned speech, all the men started clapping.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The joke just proves that having only one X chromosone really makes them stupid!

Loved it-as for the blog-so what all dogs are jealous no matter what their name!

Fri Jun 15, 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like they had it "ruff"

Fri Jun 15, 07:34:00 PM  

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