Granddaughter Chloe has a little jealous streak.
As you can see here, the urge to "get" her baby brother is just too much.
Yesterday, when she was tormenting the dogs, she slapped her mother after Darling Daughter tried to make her stop. Chloe ended up in time-out until she took a nap.

Tonight, she's staying with me, and she has a tendency to torture Chihuahua Toots (the only perma-pup who'll go near her) with a pinch or ear twist.
But Nana has a plan.
Little Chloe loves to play with the Dust Buster.

I've saved up enough hairs, parakeet feathers and seed on the floor to keep her busy until the battery on the Buster wears out.
That should take up at least 10 minutes.
He is as adorable as she is-but he needs less attention-she is used to being the 'princess' the 'whole'show. It is really hard for young children to understand that your love for them doesn't change with an 'addition'. She needs to be the important 'big sister' who can teach 'baby brother' the ways with Nana and Mom!
That is why I am happy being the 'ONLY' because even at the age of 'a Roman Ruin' I like all the attention!!!
I am an only child who would have LoVED to have a sibling. so mother and Dad would be off my case. However, then I would be the oldest and would have to know better. Can't win!
Love the pictures of your grandchildren !I "protected" my infant second son from his older brother. Little did I know they would physically fight it out when they were older.
hmmm....thinking here.... don't remember being jealous. I do remember mother telling me not to throw you up in the air like a ball when you were a month old when I played with you. She said I treated you like one of my dolls. Guess we only had back seat arguments in the car when you got older, and I got slapped on the knees because I was the oldest and should know better. AND, I still say you started it! hahaha!
and, apparently you wear stolen socks..acccording to your sister anyway...
Oh my how cute are they. I love the dust buster idea. I will have to remember that. I am still jealous of my siblings at times. I believe its the attention aspect though.
Chloe's a charmer, and baby brother is in good hands.
You are a grandmother? Really?
Sigh... really.
I wouldn't have believed it. My first GILF. I guess I'm getting older too. :-)
Woah! Take a cold shower anonymous.
Can you tell I don't know what GILF means? Now, I can only guess...
Ah yes, and having been there, I can assure you that no matter what abuse his elder sibling inflicts on him, he'll just toddle along behind her, looking for her approval and love.
Grammy Jay
Diana, I'm just going to call you Mrs. Stipler from now on. It's a compliment, by the way. ;-)
GILF = Gee, I am a Lucky Fan.
Thanks anon.. for the clarification
I hope you were kidding about gilf, it's like milf...mother I'd like to f#$% except you'd be grandmother I'd like to f@$#...
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