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GannettUSA Today

Say, what?


Wednesday, October 03, 2007


A new study shows some Roomba owners are sucking up to their robotic vacuums.

So much so, they dress up the disc-shaped appliance made by the Berlington, Mass.-based company, iRobot Corp.

The study suggests that the public is ready to accept robots in the home if they are emotionally engaging. They don't even have to be reliable, according to Beki Grinter, an associate professor at Georgia Tech's College of Computing.

Grinter found through an online forum of Roomba owners, that many have named their robotic vacuum and treat them like pets. They even arbitrarily assigned it a gender.

One guy took the machine home to meet his parents. I wonder what he told them he like best about the machine.

If it's the design that influences consumers to become attached to robotic appliances, then I'm hoping the next will be a stove that looks like Jessica Simpson so the man can get emotionally involved.

Heck, I'd be satisfied if it just made him aware that we have a stove.


AP (naked Roomba) PHOTO

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a Roomba...her name is Baby. Baby loves to vacuum.Some women knit,others go shopping.Oh, Baby goes shopping with regularity...after the vacuuming is done.
Baby Loves to vacuum.Over and over and over again. She even has a duster buster at the ready in the kitchen,fully charged and just waiting for her dainty little hand.
The upstairs has it's own dedicated vacuum as does the downstairs.
I think the combined mileage on these gadgets comes close to that of my car.
Corners,edges,stair carpet all looking like brand new.
Whirling and whooshing can be heard most every day in my humble abode.
Now if she reads this,she'll be sure to get a ROOMBA Husband!

Wed Oct 03, 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't tell us that the man who took his Roomba to meet the folks, also has a collection of blow-up dolls. That would really suck! God forbid there is ever a power outage. Hope he has a back-up generator.

Wed Oct 03, 01:30:00 PM  

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